Dear friends,
Thank you for every your order and for every your message.
It was very intersting to be with you in 2010.
I hope we will be together in 2011.
Sincerely yours,
Accessories for pets "FAVORIS"by Igor Sem'onov
Hermes and his neclace.
FAVORIS will include bijou accessories for pets , bags, details for pets equipment.
The author of "FAVORIS" word is Selectiv -
user from styleforum.ru
Thanks to him for creative...
Selectiv-creative :-)
It was auction especialy for www. styleforum.ru
The wallet made out from crocodile and antiloppe skin. It has gold 24K logo.
This wallet has identical number 400.
The winner of auction has became my V.I.P. client from Moscow.
Attantion! In next year (2011) IGOR SEM'ONOV ACCESSORIES will celebrate 20-years
All 2011 year will be contain many interesting actions and surprice.